UX Concept Design

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Case 1. Concept generation for dealership service robot Dal-e


1. UX Research


① Basic Research

- Analysis of the status quo and cases of service in the dealership setting 

- 37 reviews in research papers regarding service robots, HRI

- Analysis of 40 cases of service robot development/characters 

② User Status Surveys

- Observing staff and customers in various location of operation, identifying the touchpoints and pain points of each location through interviews

③ Expert Interviews

- In-depth interviews with academic/industrial experts relating to HRI, design

④ Cooperative Workshops

- Cooperative analysis of concept ideas with relevant head managers targeting robots, videos, natural language, and other related matters

⑤ Opportunity Domain Analysis

- Selecting and comparing unique domains between robots and humans, and analyzing each role by location of operation




[UX Workshop]



2. Analysis of the Robot Concept “DAL-e”


- Role: To create a softer, more seamless environment within its location, and to bridge visitors and staff members, the outside and inside, and unit functions.

- Function: Gain more visitors, identify the intent of each visit, and provide simple explanations of cars

- Character: Staff) A sincere, loyal, and useful entity / Visitor) A highly approachable, friendly entity

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3. Definition of the Detailed Components of Robots and Concept Visualization


- Service blueprint, concept storyboard, scenario video production



[DAL-e Scenario]

[Scenario Video]


Research Papers and Patents


• Method of providing additional spatial information for service robots (CN:201910670016.6, KR:1020180136707, US:16/507,368)

• System/device for determining service provision/termination time and type (KR:1020180134480)

• Service robot emotional interactions through touch gestures (KR: 1020200156983)

• Thermal optimization solution for service robots when responding to multiple customers (KR: 1020200073945)