


PnD Module


As a module that integrates the driving/steering/braking/suspension features, Plug and Drive lives up to its name by being designed to add mobility to any object it is combined with, providing a highly scalable platform and high freedom of movement based on a minimized package structure and unrestricted steering.


The specifications of the module will be defined according to the target load, and the structure and electrical harness will be designed per unit of each feature. The full length and width of the chassis will be defined by its purpose and will be designed, built, and integrated in the platform.


Holonomic Driving 


Research is being conducted on the driving control of the X-by-wire structure platform and its 4-wheel steering system. The PnD module platforms have unrestricted steering, which enables uninterrupted driving in any situation.


To achieve this, development is currently underway on an algorithm to determine the driving force and steering for each wheel in accordance with the intent of the driver based on the control model.