
Medical Exoskeleton Robotic System

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Medical Exoskeleton Robotic System


We are developing a medical wearable robot to provide a means of mobility and increase the quality of life of those who are socially disadvantaged by simulating the walking pattern of paraplegic patients.


Movement on a flat plane, up and down stairs, sitting, standing, and other basic mobility functions can be provided to paraplegic patients to assist them in their everyday lives.


The robot has been designed with optimal design technology as a thin and light wearable robot made of light yet strong materials that can be used while sitting in a wheelchair. Using impedance control, the robot will assist and encourage the patients to walk by themselves.

Through clinical trials with hospitals, consultations, and simulations, we are researching means of providing more convenience to users while simultaneously working on getting the robot medically approved. 


We are also developing necessary technologies for the medical wearable robot with regard to the safety of the robot and humans, robot design, robot control, software architecture, motor drivers, embedded boards, and scenarios.