Just why is Hyundai Motors creating robots? Hyundai Motor Studio Busan - Hello, Robot fashion magazine interview

2021. 08. 29


Glimpse of HYUNDAI Future



Interview of DAL-e creator


‘DAL-e’ looks a little different compared to earlier this year, is it a new version?


The ‘DAL-e’ displayed at Hyundai Motor Studio Busan is actually the early model. The early model was designed using fabric materials to provide a warm impression. We used several organically linked technologies as a testbed. For the showroom however, we placed improved models with better durability and minimized susceptibility to contamination compared to earlier models. We also added various expressions and gestures to improve friendliness. For those who can't visit Busan, you can also meet DAL-e at the Songpa-daero showroom.



What did you hope to show visitors with DAL-e?


DAL-e is the compilation of numerous control technologies and AI. During development, the robot’s size, the direction of the robot’s gaze during movement, and even the surface material were considered with hopes that this robot will be highly approachable as a communicative and considerate robot. I hope that through this exhibition, the robots developed by Hyundai Motors Robotics LAB will be perceived as something friendly that can coexist with people.



What kind of synergy can we expect from Hyundai Robotics and Boston Dynamics?


We possess Human Robot Interaction (HRI) technology as well as AI and mobile platform technologies. On the other hand, Boston Dynamics possesses exceptional knowledge in technologies such as 3D vision, robot arm manipulation and bi·and quad-pedal robot control. By combining our respective branches of expertise, we will be able to realize even more advanced robotics technology. We are always striving to accelerate the progress towards a society where we can coexist in harmony with robot that containing people-friendly technology.